Tentative Agreement Ratified

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We have good news to share! The votes have been tallied and CUPE 3906 Unit 2 members have voted to ratify the tentative agreement that was presented to members at last week’s Ratification Meeting. The tentative agreement was supported by 93% of Sessionals who voted.
The Employer will be voting to ratify the agreement on April 24th, 2025 at their next Board of Governors meeting. Once McMaster has ratified the tentative agreement it will come into force and effect. Until then, the previous collective agreement remains in force.
The important gains secured in this agreement could not have occurred without the ongoing support of our members. This was truly a collective effort and we are overwhelmed by your engagement over the past few months. A special thanks goes out to the elected bargaining team – Hamed, Jeff, Anastasia, and Sara – as well as the late Walter Cristofoli and the Contract Action Team (CAT) for their ongoing mobilization efforts.

Ratification Meeting and Voting Information

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Sessionals,
As you have likely heard, your elected bargaining team secured a tentative agreement this past Monday. This tentative agreement contains important gains and could not have been secured without the support of members over the past few months. The bargaining team encourages members to vote “yes” and ratify the agreement.
All members will have the opportunity to vote on whether to ratify this tentative agreement at an upcoming ratification meeting being held on Wednesday, March 12th at noon (via zoom). You will find the registration link below. At this meeting, your bargaining team will walk members through the agreement and host a question and answer session. Following this, all members will have the opportunity to ratify the tentative agreement via a secure and anonymous electronic ballot (Election Runner).
For those of you who are unable to attend the ratification meeting on Wednesday, a copy of the tentative agreement will be included on the ballot so members are fully aware of the contents of the agreement prior to voting.
Voting will begin at approximately 4 pm on Wednesday March 12th and will run until Sunday, March 16th at 4 pm. The results of the Union’s ratification vote will be announced early the following week. The McMaster Board of Governors needs to ratify the agreement before it comes into force and this vote will occur on April 24th. The terms and conditions of the existing collective agreement will remain in place until then.
You are invited to a Contract Ratification meeting.
When: Mar 12, 2025 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We thank you for your ongoing support.

Sessional Faculty Tentative Agreement Reached

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Your bargaining team is pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with the Employer, securing significant gains for Sessional Faculty at McMaster University. 

Next steps:

  • The bargaining team will present the tentative agreement to the Executive Committee. 

  • A Special GMM will be called, where the bargaining team will present the tentative agreement to the Unit 2 membership. 

  • Unit 2 members will vote on whether to ratify the tentative agreement. 

Keep an eye on your inbox for dates and meeting invitations. The specific dates and times of the meeting will be announced shortly, and we will present full details of the tentative agreement at the Special GMM where there will be a Q and A period for members to ask questions.

Thank you for your continued support. We couldn’t have secured this tentative agreement without you!


Your Unit 2 Bargaining Team

Bargaining Bulletin #9 – February 28th

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are pleased to announce that the Unit 2 bargaining team will be sitting down with the employer and a conciliation officer on Monday, March 3rd for a bargaining meeting and are expecting a new offer from the employer for Sessional Faculty. We will keep the membership in the loop about whether things escalate at this meeting and whether a No-Board report is filed, which would trigger a 17-day countdown until a legal strike or lockout.


The big issues still on the table are wages and job security. The base rate for McMaster Sessional Faculty is significantly below other major research Universities in Ontario and the bargaining team is insistent on catching up to peer institutions. Regarding job security, Sessional Faculty work in extremely precarious conditions and the bargaining team is pushing for significant increases in guarantees for future work.


We are demonstrating that we are prepared to strike and the employer has come back to the table. Preparations will continue and scale up to in the event that a fair deal is not forthcoming. In order to demonstrate our readiness, we are asking all members to sign up to commit to withdrawing your labour by stopping all in-person and online work if a strike is called and let us know what times they will be available to picket in the event of a strike. Both of these can be done on this form:




Members can also indicate if they require any accommodations in the event of a strike and we are gauging interest in child-minding services while picket lines are up. Please fill out the form above if any accommodations are required or if you would like child-minding services provided and which times of the day would be most critical for child-minding. The Benefits Committee has also passed a motion budgeting $600 per month in reimbursements for striking members who need to pay for child-minding services.


If you have any questions, please direct them to Mason Fitzpatrick at president@cupe3906.org and keep an eye on bettermac.ca for updates.

Bargaining Update #8 – February 19th

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Your bargaining team would like to provide some updates on the bargaining process for the next collective agreement for Sessional Faculty at McMaster in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of where things currently stand.

Firstly, it is important to remind the membership that a strike has not been called. Please consult this graphic for reference. A strike can only be called after a “No-Board” report is filed by the union or the employer, after which a 17-day countdown begins before a legal strike or lockout can begin. In the meantime, we are making preparations for a strike by signing members up for picketing duties so that we are in a good position to strike when the call goes out.

The best thing to do in the meantime is to sign up for picketing duties so that the Strike Committee knows how much strength we have going into a potential strike, giving us much more power at the bargaining table. The more members we have signed up to withdraw their labour and be on the picket lines during a strike, the more power we have going into bargaining, giving us a better chance of securing a strong offer from the employer and averting a strike in the first place. Please sign up for picketing duties here:


You might also want to check out this this Digtial Sessional Faculty Strike FAQ pamphlet and review this graphic which lays out the bargaining and strike process. For reference, we are currently in the conciliation phase.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to president@cupe3906.org and be sure to keep an eye on bettermac.ca for bargaining updates.

Bargaining Bulletin #7 – Conciliation Update

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Since meeting with the employer and a conciliation officer from the Ontario Labour Relations Board on January 19th in hopes of reaching a deal, your bargaining team has been trying to schedule another meeting and work together to reach an agreement. Instead, the employer has backed out of another meeting on February 4th and is attempting to delay until March.

The union has been open to bargaining throughout the process but the employer has continued to delay, leaving you without a raise since the last collective agreement, which expired in August 2024. Now, the employer is also attempting to put the cost of delays on you by refusing to even consider granting retroactive pay to Sessional Faculty, insisting that the next contract should not come into effect until May.

After Sessional Faculty voted 83% in favour of authorizing a strike in December in case talks break down at the bargaining table, the union has been making preparations for a strike. However, McMaster is able to avert this by coming back to the table where we have been waiting for them, ready to bargain with or without a conciliation officer.

It is clear that Sessional Faculty must send a strong message to the employer in order to force them to come back to the table and bring with them a fair offer that increases wages and job security. The best show of strength available to us is to demonstrate that Sessional Faculty are strike-ready by committing to stopping work if a strike is called and signing up for times you are available to picket on this form:


All members are encouraged to attend Strike Committee meetings, where questions or concerns about the implications of a strike can be addressed and plans for preparation and strategy are made. The next Strike Committee meeting is at 6:30pm on Monday, January February 10th on Zoom:


If you have any questions, please email president@cupe3906.org and keep an eye on bettermac.ca for updates.


Your Unit 2 Bargaining Team

Sessional Faculty Strike Vote Results: 83% in Favour of Strike Action if Necessary

Brad WalchukUncategorized

At the end of last week, CUPE Local 3906 conducted a strike vote amongst our Unit 2 membership, which includes Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Music Faculty. The vote returned a result of 83% of voters in favour of authorizing the bargaining team to call a strike if talks break down at the bargaining table.

The employer’s bargaining team filed for conciliation on November 21st, requesting that the Ontario Labour Relations Board send an officer to help us move closer to an agreement. This marked an escalation in the bargaining process that brings us closer to a legal strike or lockout. They filed for conciliation because they believed our members to be apathetic and disorganized enough that they could force a 5-year deal which leaves Sessionals behind your counterparts at other universities well into the future. The result of this strike vote clearly demonstrates that their assumptions were not true and their move had completely backfired on them. Instead of taking the scraps they have offered, your bargaining team will be walking into the next bargaining meeting with considerably more leverage, with or without a conciliator.

The union’s proposals are reasonable and well within McMaster’s means. The bargaining team is simply requesting that McMaster catch up with peer institutions after over a decade of austerity. More details on our last offer can be found in our most recent bulletin.


What’s Next?

The union has maintained throughout this process that it is ready to come back to the table at any time, with or without a conciliator. The parties have been assigned a conciliator from the Labour Relations Board and will schedule dates to meet as soon as we can. We will be sharing updates as soon as new developments occur at the bargaining table.


Join the Strike Committee!

Now that a strike vote has passed, the Contract Action Team will be transformed into the Strike Committee and will begin planning for a potential strike, assigning duties and acquiring the necessary materials. We encourage all members who want to be more involved to email President@cupe3906.org to join the Strike Committee, there is no minimum level of commitment and all assistance will be appreciated. As bargaining continues, we may also be hiring members in paid book-off positions for various functions of the Committee.


Thank you to all those who participated in the vote, you have strengthened us all by chanelling our voices into one. For more information, please contact:


Mason Fitzpatrick, President, CUPE 3906 – president@cupe3906.org

Brad Walchuk, Lead Negotiator, CUPE 3906 – brad@cupe3906.org

Make sure to keep an eye on bettermac.ca for bargaining updates as they come

Strike Vote (December 2) Information

Brad WalchukUncategorized

As you are likely aware, the Employer recently walked away from the bargaining table and negotiations for a new collective agreement have reached an impasse. You can find more about the main issues currently on the table – wages, job security, and the duration of the contract – in our most recent bargaining update. To ensure that your elected bargaining team has the support of the membership as we move forward in the bargaining process, we have called for a strike vote.
A strike vote is called by the Union’s bargaining team when the Union requires more leverage at the bargaining table. The bargaining team feels that it has negotiated as much as it can with the Employer and needs to demonstrate the membership’s support for the union and the membership’s bargaining priorities before any more progress can be made. Since the Employer is escalating negotiations by filing for conciliation, it is important for members to make a strong statement that they are in support of our bargaining team and its proposals, and won’t be “strong-armed” by the Employer into a bad deal. You can find our more about this process in our Strike Vote FAQ
Your bargaining team will be holding a strike vote meeting to provide more information on Monday, December 2nd at noon via Zoom. You can register for the meeting here and a link will be provided. The vote itself will begin at the conclusion of the Strike Vote Meeting and will be held online via Election Runner. A link to an electronic ballot will be sent to all members and the vote will continue all week, ending Friday, December 6th at 6:00 a.m.

The Collective Bargaining Process

Brad WalchukUncategorized

McMaster has walked away from the bargaining table. What now? Below, we outline the collective bargaining process for you. Right now, we are approaching conciliation and will soon be working with a provincially appointed conciliator to help the parties work through an impasse and help to secure a fair agreement from McMaster. Please click on the image for a larger version.

Bargaining Bulletin #5 – McMaster Walks Away From Table

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Since late August of this year, your bargaining team has been working diligently to get the best possible deal for you. We continue to survey and canvass our members and depend on your continued engagement. We’ve heard you loud and clear: our members demand better wages and improvements to job security.

Today, McMaster walked away from the table without proposing a counter-offer and has stated that they will file for conciliation. What’s worse is they denied improvements to job security and demanded a 5 year contract. This is unacceptable. 



Over the last 13 years our wage increases averaged 1.5% (per year), well below the 2.75% inflation average over the same time period. Even still, our wage proposal (8.3% Year 1, 3% Year 2,  3% Year 3) has been viewed by the employer as untenable. Sessionals deserve a contract that mitigates the losses during a decade of austerity. The employer’most recent offer included an average of 3.45% in wage increases over 5 years. While the employer’s latest wage proposal may technically be in line with sector averages, we would still be left behind colleagues at comparable Universities by 2029.


Job Security

The employer has made their point: they prefer “flexibility” over job security.  Your precarious working conditions and your experience teaching is of little concern to them. They would rather be able to replace you with someone who they think is better than you.


Length of Contract

The contract McMaster wants is 5 years long. We would be locked into this contract with no chance of improvement until 2029. McMaster knows that a longer contract term that does not line up with other bargaining units will minimize our power. However, we made it clear: the offer McMaster made does not entitle them to 5 years of labour peace.


The Facts: McMaster Does Not Respect Our Work

The proposal we offered is fair, however McMaster has decided to file for conciliation. Conciliation involves intervention from the Ministry of Labour to assist with the bargaining process. Why did they file for conciliation? McMaster’s lead negotiator implied that we did not change our offer at all. In reality, we made substantial changes to reach a good deal for our members quickly! As much as we understand that guaranteed TA support is important to many of our members, we retracted that from our offer to show we are serious about making a deal.


Next Steps For Bargaining and Mobilizing

The employer stated they will file for conciliation next week. Filing for conciliation marks an escalation by the employer and brings us closer to a legal strike or lockout. We are still open to negotiations with or without a conciliation officer. The employer is able to return to the table at any time throughout this process, and we hope that they do.

Your Bargaining Team and the Contract Action Team will be ramping up mobilization efforts, reaching out to members and asking you for support and participation as the process evolves. We will be visiting you after your classes, speaking with you after your office hours, calling you and emailing you to keep you in the loop every step of the way.

Your participation in this process is vital. Please show your support by signing our bargaining petition.

McMaster heavily relies on Sessional Faculty in order to function as a university. That is why it is important for them to keep you tied into an abnormally long contract without job security and only meager wage increases. Your bargaining team shares your frustration and will continue to fight for a better contract.