Conciliation TODAY

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We’re ready to secure a fair and reasonable agreement for Sessionals that reflects their vital contributions to McMaster and recognizes their service to the university.



Conciliation Update

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Bargaining Team met in conciliation with the Employer on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 and Wednesday, October 21, 2020.  “Conciliation” refers to contract negotiations that are assisted by a government-appointed Conciliation Officer, who tries to help the parties reach agreement before they can initiate a strike or lockout deadline.

The implications of the Conservative Party’s Bill 124 continued to make negotiations difficult and frustrating for both parties.  The legislation limits compensation to 1% per year over the first 3 years of a contract.

Aside from the implications of Bill 124, the Employer refused to cede ground on job security, training, and the proration of 3-unit positions.

Both parties are returning to the table in the near future to continue negotiations.  The Bargaining team would like to thank members again for the strong show of support through the 81% strike mandate.


Brad WalchukUncategorized

Hamilton, ON— The front-line instructors responsible for a significant proportion of undergraduate teaching at McMaster University have concluded a strike vote after three days of socially distant voting.  Sessional Faculty and Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty at McMaster University, comprising CUPE Local 3906 (Unit 2), voted 81% in favour of providing their Bargaining Committee with a strike mandate should negotiations the table with the McMaster Administration fail.

A historic number of members participated in the vote between October 14th and October 16th, which was held online due to pandemic safety measures and restricted access to the University campus.  The Bargaining Team is overwhelmed that so many members participated in the vote. “We are grateful that members demonstrated such strong support for the Union’s proposals on the table,” says Sharoni Mitra, the Local’s President, “especially given the pressures and stress that members already face due to the pandemic, the increasingly precarious nature of employment at postsecondary institutions, and the restrictions imposed on front-line public sector workers by the Ford government’s legislation.”

This 81% mandate highlights the Employer’s need to take members’ concerns to heart immediately or face job action.  Proposals that erode job security and make already precarious work more piecemeal must be removed from the table.  The Employer must work with the Union to find ways to support members’ access to the training and resources they need to continue providing the teaching excellence on which McMaster prides itself.  Finally, proposals that address members’ fundamental needs—such as improvements to basic health funds and a promise not to reduce positions in the move to online teaching—must not be neglected in such volatile times where front-line workers everywhere are struggling.

The results of this vote do not mean that a strike is forthcoming, but do empower the bargaining team to call a strike should negotiations not provide meaningful gains to members. The next step in the bargaining process is conciliation, in which a provincially appointed conciliation officer will meet with the parties.  Conciliation is scheduled on Tuesday, October 20th, and Wednesday, October 21st, 2020.  More days may be scheduled if progress continues and the Parties agree to meet.

Local 3906 is eager to put the support of its members into action at the bargaining table and is committed to membership engagement throughout the process. Please watch for our updates and additional bargaining support initiatives.

CUPE Local 3906 (Unit 2) represents over 500 Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

Strike Vote Instructions and Eligibility

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Important Information for CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Members Regarding the Unit 2 Strike Vote and Strike Vote Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM), 2020. The SGMM is occurring on Wednesday, October 14th, at 2:00 P.M. Strike Vote voting will begin immediately following the SGMM, and will be available online (via “Helios Voting”) until 5:00 P.M. on Friday, October 16th, 2020.
Due to the health and safety concerns presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Employer’s guidelines restricting access to the campus during the pandemic, there will be no in-person meeting and no opportunity to vote in person. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

 Who can vote in a CUPE 3906 Unit 2 [Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty (HRSMF)] strike vote?
Only members of CUPE 3906 Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and HRSMF) may vote in a Unit 2 strike vote. The following members of Unit 2 may vote in a strike vote:
i. Members who are working as Sessional Faculty and HRSMF this term;
ii. Members who hold an Appointment to teach as a Sessional Faculty and HRSMF from Sept 1, 2020-Aug 31, 2021; (please email to obtain a ballot; please note that we will request a copy of your appointment letter as proof of appointment)
iii. “Political” members of the union (i.e., members who have held a contract work as a Sessional Faculty and/or HRSMF in the last two academic terms—i.e., winter 2020 or spring/summer 2020).

• Unit 2 members will receive a link to pre-register for an online “Zoom” meeting via email for our Strike Vote SGMM on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. Please note that you must pre-register for the meeting. If you do not find an email outlining how to preregister in your McMaster email account, please check your “spam” and/or “other” folder. If you require further assistance, please contact us immediately at or
• Upon the conclusion of the SGMM Unit 2 members will receive a “voter ID” and password to vote via McMaster email from an online platform called “Helios”. [According to Article 12 (a) of our bylaws, voting must begin upon
the conclusion of the meeting.] • Helios is the most user-friendly and secure voting platform the Local has found. For more information about Helios, please visit
• Once the polls are open, you will be able to log in (using your pre-registered link) and cast your vote either in favour or opposed to the strike vote question: “Do you give your CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Bargaining Committee permission to call a strike in the event that talks break down at the bargaining table?”
• Your vote will then be encrypted and logged anonymously. Your email and username will only grant you access to the polls and will not be associated with your vote, nor will it be used or sold by Helios voting thereafter. Once the polls are closed, Helios will automatically tally the results. Two scrutineers will be elected at the Unit 2 SGMM. These elected scrutineers will meet to review the results before results will be made known to members.
• If you have questions or concerns about this process, or if you did not receive a ballot from Helios via email to your McMaster email address, please contact us at,, or Please check your McMaster email address “spam” and/or “other” unfocussed email folder for your registration link for the SGMM and for Helios balloting before contacting CUPE staff. Thank you!

Strike Vote- SGMM and Voting Information

Brad WalchukUncategorized

It has come to our attention that certain settings in both Outlook and Gmail may have caused a recent email communication (dated Friday, Oct. 9) regarding tomorrow’s SGMM and the impending strike vote to be filtered into your spam, promotions, or “other” unfocussed inbox folders. Please check these folders if you have yet to see an email from the sender “CUPE 3906” and with the subject line “PRE-REGISTER for our SGMM…” In any case, we are including much of the content from Friday’s communication below, just to ensure that we reach as many Unit 2 members as possible.


1) Confirmation of your Zoom meeting registration (including the meeting invitation), after you have registered via this link.

2) A voter registration email from Helios Voting, which will be sent to all eligible Unit 2 members on Wednesday. *Note that this will ONLY go to your McMaster email address, so be sure you are checking that (as with the confirmation email from Zoom).*

REMEMBER: A successful strike vote does not mean there will be a strike. It simply authorizes the bargaining team to call a strike should negotiations fail. In other words, a strong “yes” vote puts the Union in the best possible position to secure a good deal without needing to call a strike. This is where the strength of collective bargaining is found!

Special General Membership Meeting:
TOMORROW, October 14 at 2 pm
The Unit 2 bargaining team has reached an impasse in negotiations with the Employer and talks are now headed towards conciliation, with a strike vote being held prior to this next step. We are holding a Special General Membership Meeting TOMORROW (Wednesday, October 14) at 2 pm to outline the key issues at stake and ask that you cast your ballot in favour of a strike mandate. At the SGMM, you can expect updates on bargaining, an explanation of the strike vote and potential next steps, and an overview of voting through Helios.

In order to preserve the security and confidentiality of our SGMM, pre-registration for this meeting will be required. Please note that you must register with your McMaster email address no later than 12pm tomorrow. This is the only way we can confirm that you are a Unit 2 member prior to the meeting. Any registration requests made from non-McMaster email addresses will be denied. Please also allow for a delay as each registration must be approved manually, and remember to check your spam/promotions/”other” folders if you have yet to receive confirmation after a couple of hours.

Register in advance for the SGMM here:–hqTMvGtE2WAk3T18KWmWAwC4HYOlm

Want to know more about the issues in advance of the SGMM? Check out our webpage on KEY ISSUES and our U2 STRIKE VOTE FAQ!

Strike Vote for Unit 2 Members:
via Helios Voting, October 14 at 5 pm – October 16 at 5 pm 

As per our bylaws, we will be conducting a strike vote immediately following the SGMM over a period of 48 hours. If you have worked a Unit 2 contract (either as a Sessional Faculty or Hourly-Rated Music Faculty) at any point during the previous academic year (2019-2020) or the Fall 2020 term, then you are eligible to vote. In order to receive the necessary ballot through Helios Voting, you will need to register using your McMaster email address. Please watch your McMaster inbox for the Helios link to register as a voter. This Helios registration process is separate from the Zoom registration required to attend the SGMM (provided above). * Remember to check your spam/promotions/”other” folders if you have yet to receive your Helios voter registration by 5 pm tomorrow. *

CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Strike Vote Instructions

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Important Information for CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Members Regarding the Unit 2 Strike Vote and Strike Vote Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM), 2020

The SGMM is occurring on Wednesday, October 14th, at 2:00 P.M. Strike Vote voting will begin immediately following the SGMM, and will be available online (via “Helios Voting”) until 5:00 P.M. on Friday, October 16th, 2020. 

Due to the health and safety concerns presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Employer’s guidelines restricting access to the campus during the pandemic, there will be no in-person meeting and no opportunity to vote in person.  We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

  • Who can vote in a CUPE 3906 Unit 2 [Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty (HRSMF)] strike vote?

Only members of CUPE 3906 Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and HRSMF) may vote in a Unit 2 strike vote.  The following members of Unit 2 may vote in a strike vote:

  • Members who are working as Sessional Faculty and HRSMF this term;
  • Members who hold an Appointment to teach as a Sessional Faculty and HRSMF from Sept 1, 2020-Aug 31, 2021; (please email to obtain a ballot; please note that we will request a copy of your appointment letter as proof of appointment); and
  • “Political” members of the union (i.e., members who have held a contract work as a Sessional Faculty and/or HRSMF in the last two academic terms—i.e., winter 2020 or spring/summer 2020).


  • Unit 2 members will receive a link to pre-register for an online “Zoom” meeting via email for our Strike Vote SGMM on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. Please note that you must pre-register for the meeting.  If you do not find an email outlining how to preregister in your McMaster email account, please check your “spam” and/or “other” folder.  If you require further assistance, please contact us immediately at or
  • Upon the conclusion of the SGMM Unit 2 members will receive a “voter ID” and password to vote via McMaster email from an online platform called “Helios”. [According to Article 12 (a) of our bylaws, voting must begin upon the conclusion of the meeting.]
  • Helios is the most user-friendly and secure voting platform the Local has found. For more information about Helios, please visit
  • Once the polls are open, you will be able to log in (using your pre-registered link) and cast your vote either in favour or opposed to the strike vote question: “Do you give your CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Bargaining Committee permission to call a strike in the event that talks break down at the bargaining table?”
  • Your vote will then be encrypted and logged anonymously. Your email and username will only grant you access to the polls and will not be associated with your vote, nor will it be used or sold by Helios voting thereafter.  Once the polls are closed, Helios will automatically tally the results. Two scrutineers will be elected at the Unit 2 SGMM.  These elected scrutineers will meet to review the results before results will be made known to members.
  • If you have questions or concerns about this process, or if you did not receive a ballot from Helios via email to your McMaster email address, please contact us at,, or Please check your McMaster email address “spam” and/or “other” unfocussed email folder for your registration link for the SGMM and for Helios balloting before contacting CUPE staff. Thank  you!

CUPE 3906 Strike Votes are governed by the Ontario Labour Relations Act and Article 12 of the Local’s bylaws, which are available at

Strike Vote and Special General Membership Meeting

Brad WalchukUncategorized

A small but mighty team of Sessional Faculty needs your help securing YOU, our Unit 2 members, a better collective agreement.
Click HERE to sign the petition!
Register for our Unit 2 Strike Vote SGMM (details below) HERE!
Dear Unit 2 Members,

Below are a few very important news items sent on behalf of your Unit 2 bargaining team (representing Sessional Faculty and Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty). Given the current state of negotiations with the Employer, we would implore you to read the announcements below and prepare to vote YES in the upcoming strike vote. REMEMBER: A successful strike vote does not mean there will be a strike. It simply authorizes the bargaining team to call a strike should negotiations fail. In other words, a strong “yes” vote puts the Union in the best possible position to secure a good deal without needing to call a strike. This is where the strength of collective bargaining is found!

Special General Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, October 14 at 2 pm
As you are probably aware, the Unit 2 bargaining team has reached an impasse at the negotiations table with the Employer, and talks are now headed towards conciliation. Prior to taking this next step, the bargaining team is asking for your support. We will be holding a Special General Membership Meeting next week (during reading week) – specifically on Wednesday, October 14 at 2 pm – to outline the key issues at stake and ask that you cast your ballot in favour of a strike mandate. At the SGMM, you can expect updates on bargaining, an explanation the strike vote process itself and potential next steps, and an overview of the Helios voting process itself.

In order to preserve the security and confidentiality of our SGMM, pre-registration for this meeting will be required. Please note that you must register with your McMaster email address no later than 12pm the day of the SGMM. This is the only way we can confirm that you are a Unit 2 member prior to the meeting. Any registration requests made from non-McMaster email addresses will be denied. Please also allow for a delay as each registration must be approved manually.

Register in advance for the SGMM here:–hqTMvGtE2WAk3T18KWmWAwC4HYOlm

Want to know more about the issues in advance of the SGMM? Check out our webpage on KEY ISSUES and our U2 STRIKE VOTE FAQ!

Strike Vote for Unit 2 Members:
via Helios Voting, October 14 at 5 pm – October 16 at 5 pm 
As per our bylaws, we will be conducting a strike vote immediately following the SGMM, with the voting period remaining open for 48 hours. If you have worked a Unit 2 contract (either as a Sessional Faculty or Hourly-Rated Music Faculty) at any point during the previous academic year (2019-2020) or the Fall 2020 term, then you are eligible to vote. In order to receive the necessary ballot through Helios Voting, you will need to register using your McMaster email address. Please watch your McMaster inbox for the link to register your ballot. Also note that this Helios registration process is in addition to the registration that is required in order to attend the SGMM via Zoom (provided above).
And finally, a bit of dark comedy from Get Social with CUPE 3906!
During this critical time for members of CUPE 3906, we’re releasing weekly cartoons on our media channels highlighting issues important to the union as we begin the fall semester. Our sixth comic is about paid training for Sessional Faculty, to help compensate them for the work they do over and above course instruction. Check out our socials CUPE 3906 on Facebook, Instagram @cupe3906 and on Twitter @cupe_3906Click here to see the sixth cartoon!
Thanks, everyone. We hope to see you all at the SGMM on Wednesday!

Bargaining Bulletin #3 – Conciliation, Strike Vote and SGMM

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Unit 2 Members,

Following two weeks of negotiations, the Unit 2 Bargaining Team (representing Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Music Faculty) has reached an impasse with the Employer due to a number of outstanding issues including improvements to job security and transparency in hiring, technological support for remote teaching, and reasonable working hours. The University is once again relying on Bill 124 to justify below-inflation wage increases, and is refusing to entertain alternatives to wage increases like paid training as a way to keep sessionals from falling further behind. 

As a result of the impasse, the Unit 2 Bargaining Team has called for a strike vote and requested the assistance of a government-appointed conciliator to try to keep talks moving. As Unit 2 moves toward the possibility of job action within the unprecedented context of a global pandemic, sessionals need our support more than ever. All members are asked to consider joining the Bargaining Support Committee so that we can begin to build the capacity we will need to support sessionals should job-action be necessary. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to our Member Mobilizer, Sylvia, at Please also follow us on social media and share our posts to help get the message out! 

Do you want to send McMaster the message that you support our Bargaining Team in demanding a fairer contract for Sessional Faculty? Sign the petition:

The Next Bargaining Support Committee Meeting is scheduled for 2-3pm on Monday October 5, 2020. 


Your CUPE3906 Executive Team 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About a Potential Sessional Faculty/HRSMF Strike or Lockout at McMaster


  • What is a strike vote and why is the Union calling for one? 

It is normal for a Union to ask for a strong “strike vote” during the process of any legal contract negotiations in Canada.  In fact, CUPE 3906’s TA and RA (in lieu) and Sessional Faculty/Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty (HRSMF) bargaining teams have asked for a strong strike vote from its membership in virtually every single contract negotiations in the past 35+ years, and there have only ever been 2 TA and RA strikes (and 1 “wildcat” Sessional Faculty strike) since our unionization in the late 1970s. 

A strike vote is called by the Union’s bargaining team when the Union requires more leverage at the bargaining table.  Generally speaking, the bargaining team feels that it has negotiated as much as it can with the Employer, and needs to demonstrate the membership’s support for the union and the membership’s bargaining priorities before any more progress can be made. 

The exact wording of the strike vote question may vary, but it always asks the same basic question: do you authorize your bargaining team to call a strike if negotiations fail at the bargaining table?  A strong “yes” to this question with as many members voting as possible is the best scenario: it says to the Employer that they have a “last chance” to return to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith to get a deal or else the members are prepared to proceed to the “next steps” in the legal bargaining process: conciliation, mediation, and, finally, a strike.  

  • Why should we vote yes if there’s a strike vote? 

It is important to vote yes during a strike vote for a number of reasons. First of all, more people voting yes means that we’ll end up with a strong vote. In this situation, a strong vote means that we have 80 – 90 percent of the membership voting “yes”. Based on past experiences, what we’ve seen time and time again is that when we have a strong strike vote, we end up with a strong collective agreement. It sounds counter-intuitive but the stronger the strike vote, the less likely we are to go on strike. This is because a strong strike vote sends a clear message to the employer that we mean business and are not interested in dragging things out at the negotiating table. 

Secondly, voting yes in a strike vote is a great way to be involved in the collecting bargaining process so as to ensure that your union works for you. Being a Sessional Faculty and/or HRSMF automatically makes you a part of the union but that is simply not enough. This is a way for your voice to be heard and for you to be a part of the decision-making process of your union. As with so many things in life, if you do not make a decision, someone else will end up making the decision for you and more often than not, the decision made for you is not going to be one that you like. 

Finally, a strong strike vote often leads to a strong collective agreement. Paying union dues is part of being a member of the union.  Put it this way: you’re already paying dues so why not be involved? Also, you will keep paying dues in the future regardless of what kind of collective agreement we end up with. If that is the case, don’t you want to ensure that you will be paying dues towards an agreement that you’re happy with? It makes more sense to pay dues towards a collective agreement that works for you as opposed to one that negatively affects you.

  • Who can vote in a Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and HRSMF) strike vote? 

Only members of Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and HRSMF) may vote in a Unit 2 strike vote.  The following members of Unit 2 may vote in a strike vote: 

  1. Members who are working as Sessional Faculty and HRSMF this term; 
  2. Members who hold an Appointment to teach as a Sessional Faculty and HRSMF from Sept 1, 2020-Aug 31, 2021;
  3. “Political” members of the union (i.e., members who have held a contract work as a Sessional Faculty and/or HRSMF in the last two academic terms—i.e., winter 2020 or spring/summer 2020).

Bargaining Update – August 31st, 2020


Dear Unit 2 Members,

After two weeks of negotiations with our Employer, the McMaster University Administration, we are disappointed to inform you that the parties have reached an impasse and we are seeking both the assistance of a government-appointed Conciliation Officer and a strike vote from our Unit 2 members.

The Union and the Employer made some progress at the table over the past few sessions.  For instance, we removed conditions that would limit members to teach two courses per term, and made some gains to supplemental fees for large classes.

 Unfortunately, that progress was cut short by a few fundamental disagreements:

-improvements to job security and transparency in hiring.  Job security was a top priority for members according to our survey.  We continue to propose improvements to the existing first consideration appointment system and to transparent and fair hiring processes, but the Employer is not agreeable to any substantive changes.

-money.  The Employer states that it is limited to a 1% increase to wages and benefits due to the regressive legislation put forward by the Ford Conservatives last fall (Bill 124).  Paid training is not contemplated by the legislation, however, and we believe that members should receive extra compensation for health and safety training and/or professional training in addition to normal course preparation and delivery.  This is an opportunity for the Employer to offer gains outside of the restrictions of the legislation, and we think our members are worth it.

-proration of 3-unit courses.  The Employer has included a proposal that would allow members in one of our departments (MELD) to be paid 1/3rd of the value of a 3-unit course by claiming to have altered the workload of the course to 1/3rd of the workload of a “regular” 3-unit course.  This is an attack on our members, and we are concerned that, if we agree to this language, the Employer would be permitted to reduce compensation in any of our 3- or 6-unit courses.  The Employer also wants the Union to withdraw outstanding grievances on proration and job security as a condition of the agreement.

-technological support.  Especially given the move to online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic, members require additional technological support for the tools and resources they need.  The Employer is having difficulty finding ways of facilitating this (although the Union has proposed several options).

-3-year contract. Given the uncertainties created by the pandemic and current legislation (Bill 124), we had hoped the employer would agree to a two-year agreement. This would have allowed both sides to go back to the negotiating table at a time when things hopefully have stabilized and some uncertainties resolved. However, the Employer is insisting on a three-year deal.

-Preventing job loss.  The Union requested that the Employer commit to not reducing the number of jobs as a result of any move to online teaching because of the pandemic (e.g., increase the student to instructor ratio to create online, “mega” classes).  The Employer did not agree to commit to this, and has already done this in at least one department.

-Guidelines on reasonable hours of work.  The Union proposed language to make sure that members were not required to provide instruction or student consultation between the hours of 10 P.M. and 8:30 A.M..  The Employer did not agree to this language.

More information about an impending strike vote and dates for conciliation will be forthcoming.

Please continue to check your email for information about your rights and your opportunities to be heard at meetings and consultations.

We remain open to meet with the Employer to arrive at a negotiated agreement.  This does not change in spite of our request for assistance from the membership and a Conciliation Officer.  We did not make this decision lightly, and we regret having to take this course of action given the pandemic situation.


Your Unit 2 Bargaining Committee

Unit 3 (Postdocs) reaches tentative agreement

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are pleased to announce that your Unit 3 (Postdoctoral Fellows) Bargaining Team has reached a Tentative Agreement with McMaster University for the Unit 3 Collective Agreement, the contract that governs your rights as CUPE 3906 Unit 3 members at McMaster.

Details of the Tentative Agreement will be presented to Unit 3 members at an upcoming Special General Membership Meeting (date, time, and location to be announced).

In the meantime, details of the Tentative Agreement will remain confidential out of courtesy to members and to the Employer.

Thank you for your support and interest in this process.  We will provide more details about the ratification process as soon as possible.

In solidarity,

Nathan Todd
President, CUPE 3906